hi there!!
This site is a way for you to get dessert inspiration from around Europe.
I've always enjoyed baking, I began to bake when I was younger with my grandma, and every time I went to her house we always made a cake, and I never got sick of it. This is where I believed I started to enjoy baking. Although it wasn't that hard, I enjoyed doing it. I have never been to Europe, and this is why I have chosen to make European desserts, and I wanted to gain experience but also to try some of the delicious desserts for the first time. Doing this project, I have learnt lots of history about the desserts, but I also learnt more of what type of desserts I like to make, but most importantly which desserts my family and I love to eat!
Take a look at the desserts
click on the images or on the subpages at the top of the site to discover, the recipes and their history!